Or Iron Bowl/Thanksgiving Weekend, whichever is more important to you :) We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Iron Bowl weekend. I started my vacation off right with a visit to the "Iron Bowl Sips N Strokes" Wednesday night with my friend and next door neighbor Dana. We painted AUBIE hanging Big Al upside down with paw prints all over him. For those of you who don't know, I just love AUBIE! 2nd to Daley (and quite possibly Zach depending on how he has behaved that week :) By the way, I had no business going in the first place for all the Thanksgiving food and tailgating food I was supposed to be preparing. But I did do that when I got home and most of it turned out quite well!

Thanksgiving Day was a blessing as always to spend time with the people we love the most, OUR FAMILIES! We started it off my going over to my Nana's house where we had a slightly larger than usual crowd, but with family is never tooo crowded, right??? We had a wonderful lunch prepared by all (even ME)! I am also fortunate enough to have such a talented cousin Kelsey who took some pretty awesome pics of Daley (posted below).

Next we were off to Yia Yia and Robert's where Robert prepared a delicious Thanksgiving meal as well. There was a slight hang up in that the Turkey Fryer went out of commission for a couple hours, but once it was ready we enjoyed a delicious Cajun Fried Turkey! My Aunt Cathy and my cousins Spiro, his girlfriend Courtney, and Jimmy came in town. It was great to see them! Especially Spiro and Courtney since they live in TX and don't get up to Alabama much! It was also wonderful to spend Jameson's first Thanksgiving with him, I really love that baby!
After Yia Yia and Robert's we headed down to Auburn to spend time with Zach's family and to see our beloved Tigers play the hearts out in the Iron Bowl. I must say I was disappointed not to get a win, but proud of my Tigers for giving it to the #2 team in the country! By the way, GO GATORS! I just had to post the pic of Zach below that was posted in the Birmingham News. There were several pics posted but I felt like none showed his true "game face" as well as this one. I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and I wanted to sign off in saying that I am so Thankful for my family! Zach included, even when he is not behaving!

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