Last Thursday me some of my favorite friends from church went out to eat at Dodiyos. I have but 1 word for this place.....MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! It was wonderful! The company and the food. Dodiyos is a Mediterranean Restaurant so it has so many of my favorite foods. For appetizers we shared Hummus and Saganaki. If you have never had Saganaki it is cheese that comes out flaming and you spread it on bread. A.K.A. a little spread of heaven! And for my entree I ordered vegetable Moussaka which is like a vegetable casserole with topped in a cream sauce layer. Am I making your mouth water? I want to go back and eat just as am typing this.
My friends and I had a great time hanging out. We do not do this often so it was great to get together outside of church with just the girls. It was actually kind of funny because the three of us that arrived first were all pregnant, and some lady asked if we were all members of the same Lamaze class? It is funny to me because so many people around me are pregnant right now. Not just in this group, but I bet I can name at least 15 people that I am either related to or very good friends with. I am so lucky that both my girls will be surrounded by my wonderful friends and their wonderful children!

Mary, Brooke, Helena, Angela and Me
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