That smell you are trying so hard to find ladies and gentlemen is the smell of Auburn Football! Whether you are at home or at the game you smell the wonderful fall weather, the hot dogs, the hamburgers and sometimes the alcohol if you are lucky and not pregnant:) This time of year means everything in my household. It makes riding around in the car year round listening to Auburn Band music for Daley all worth it as she now knows all the songs. It marks the last Friday and Saturday (August 28 & 29) that you will catch an Alsobrook in a non orange shade of clothing. It also means waking up to the glorious sound of Eye of the Tiger, which we have now set our alarm to play to wake us up in the morning. It also marks the last weekend we will be in Birmingham for a month as the first four home games will be in the Loveliest Village on the Plains. This will be one of Daley's games she gets to go to this year and she is prepped and ready to go. We have been brushing up on the fight song and I feel sure she can pull the Tigers through to a victory against Louisiana Tech. all on her own. I suppose I will be taking a brief hiatus from blogging as well as we will be in God's Country for the next few weekends, but I wish you all the best and may all you teams WIN this football season (especially if you're an Auburn Tiger). God Bless and War Eagle!

WAR EAGLE!! I am so sorry you will not be able to enjoy "Daddy Cokes" (as Sophia calls them) this football season. I was in your boat last year!!! I will be sure and have some for you! :) I am pretty sure we are heading to AU this weekend with BOTH girls. Should be interesting!
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