I realize that my blogging skills are NOTHING AT ALL to speak of. I formerly tried to update my blog every other week, but it has gotten to be more like once a month which is totally unacceptable for our family members that follow and can't get on Facebook.
I have not even been prompt in letting the world know that we are EXPECTING! I am now 13 weeks, which in the picture the baby is 9 weeks. The baby is the blob in the middle of the picture between the two plus signs. It looks a little like a rodent, but we love him/her anyway :) I am so excited to be pregnant (or actually just to have another little blessing, being pregnant is actually not all it is cracked up to be). We have been so blessed with Daley and I know we will be even more blessed with two! Please keep our family in your prayers for the next 27 weeks!

I was waiting for the big "announcement" before I commented! I am so happy for you guys! We will have babies the same age! Can't wait to take millions of pictures of them together! Congrats again! We love all 4 of you!!!
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