I am so thankful that we have Daley in our life! She makes every holiday so much more fun. Holidays I guess get kind of blah as you get older, and I think that a child brings so much youth back into it that it livens them up again! Daley got her first "b-ball" goal for Valentine's Day this year. If you knew how much she likes basketball you would crack up! She asks to watch it on television and she really has enjoyed going to the few Auburn Basketball games we have taken her to this season. She came in out of the car the other day and Zach had been listening to the game on the radio. When she walked in the door she yelled "B-BALL" and turned on the radio. It just so happened that the last time the radio was turned on it was because Zach was listening to a game so it was on the right channel and everything! It was so hilarious! IT really looked like she intentionally turned it on, which I guess she kind of did!!! I hope every one's Valentine's Day was special this year! Talk to you soon.

I love it! That is a precious story.
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