Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September Alsobrook Update WAR EAGLE!

Well, for the past couple weeks we have been experiencing some lovely fall weather!  I sure have enjoyed it! We have done lots of fun things to celebrate the good weather.  First, we spent the first two weekends of September in Auburn celebrating VICTORIES!  And then last week was not so great for OUR Tigers :(  We have also been enjoying several birthday parties.  People are really amping up on kids birthdays these days!  One party had a snow cone truck come and you got to pick the snow cone of your choice, large size and everything!  HEAVENLY!  As second birthday party had a bounce house, very fun for the girls and much more affordable than actually having it a bounce house party place (ask me, I know!)

According to Babycenter Baby Alsobrook #3 is about 3 1/2 inches,  about the size of a lemon,  and weighs 1 1/2 ounces.  ****Newsflash**** I have gained slightly more than 1 1/2 ounces!  Let's pray this ratio doesn't keep up.  If so, by 40 weeks when the baby is relatively 7 or 8 or 9 lbs,  I will be one of those that has to be cut out of her house and transported to the hospital by crane! On the positive side of pregnancy, OCTOBER 5th we will know if Baby Alsobrook #3 is a boy or a girl!!!  YIPPEE!  This is the most exciting milestone for me outside of when the baby actually gets here!  It adds a totally new spin on being pregnant and gives the little black and white skeleton you see in the ultrasounds a whole personality and a name of his or her own.  Please, for Zach, hope it is a boy! I would say pray, but the deed is done.  I really have to tip my hat to those folks who don't find out!  Who are they torturing anyway???

Sorry I don't have any pictures to attach to the blog!  I have not been toting my camera around a lot lately, but maybe I will scrounge some up and post an additional blog. Hey, maybe there will even be more than 1 or 2 blogs this month! Thanks for reading!
