I was tagged by Perri Speigner and I was given these rules....
A. First list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B. Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
1. I just did a "25 Random Things"about myself on Facebook so sorry if it is kind of repetitive. I can possibly list 10 more interesting facts about myself!
2.I wear Orange every Friday because I love Auburn and all Auburn Sports. My obsession is team spirit. I really am not more of a football or basketball fan etc. I miss living in Auburn, AL. It is my second choice of places to live other than here in Birmingham.
3. I have a sweet baby girl Daley Rae Alsobrook. I hope that if God blesses me with more children that they are all just like Daley because I think she is cute and absolutely hilarious and perfect. She is 21 months old. She is named after her Uncle Pearson Daley Alsobrook. My middle name was also Rae (like my daughter) before I was married, now it is Bolen I also have 2 dogs a Black Lab and a Golden Retriever Shug and Jordan (male and female respectively) I support my family while my husband is in law school, he graduates this May and I am so proud of him!!! It has been a long and penny pinching journey :) I am very scared of the thought of being a stay at home mom, but am sometimes very envious of the time lost with my daughter!
4. I am sooo not the disciplinarian if our family, even though my husband and I discussed this while I was pregnant and it was believed that I would have been. I really have a hard time not laughing and getting angry when she does something deceitful! As long as it doesn't cause a mess that I have to clean up. Then I have no problem being angry.
5. I LOVE to run and am trying to get back into it. I used to be up to 8 miles at a time which I was pretty proud of.
6. Most of my best friends are people I went to high school with, with a few exceptions :) 2 of my very best friends are my Mother and my Mother in Law. I think every friend I have is special for a different reason and I would love to send them a postcard and tell them what that is. I can only hope they feel the same about me.
7. Unless I am so busy that I am exhausted and should not have made so many plans, I am not happy.
8. I have witnessed so many miracles in my life that there is no other explanation than Jesus and he is my Lord and Savior! I love my church and Zach and I have made some really great friends there since we got married and starting going there as a couple. Not many of our church friends had children when we started, but they are definitely all drinking out of the same Communion Cup because now it seems they are all either parents or about to be. I can't wait to see our children grow up together!
9. I am a TERRIBLE driver! (one of those miracles listed above is that I am still here)
10. My favorite food is Mexican and I overindulge almost every time I eat sweets or drink wine. I love to do both!!!
Mary Velotas
Brooke Vakakes
Helena Vakakes
Nichole Bush
Laura Brantley
Kim Miller
Evan Wright
(I really think these are the only seven people I know with blogs! :))